It is common in the residential solar industry for the company who sells the idea of going solar to be different from the company who completes the solar installation.
Many companies will contract their installations out, which can cause confusion, miscommunication, and/or errors affecting the homeowner. Helping customers go solar is a process — a series of steps, from consultation, design, building permits, to installation, inspection, grid interconnection, and finally, permission to flip the switch for operation. The full, start-to-finish project might involve three separate entities—four if including the homeowner.
The solar provider, municipal government, utility company, and homeowner all have a large stake in making the solar process gets done well and in a reasonable time. Installing a reliable solar energy system built in accordance with governing structural and electrical codes, meeting at least 100% of the user’s energy demand for decades to come is the goal. There are several steps and moving parts, which can be tricky when working with multiple companies. And, if sales and installation are done by separate companies, you will now have to get an additional party involved, which adds to the complexity and creates more opportunities for miscommunication and errors.
Choosing a solar company who combines sales, design, and all parts of installation results in one seamless installation project. When you choose a solar company like Blue Raven Solar, paperwork and red tape related to building permits, inspections, interconnection, tax benefits, local solar incentive programs, and the moderation of communication between you and all other parties involved is taken care of. This can become a more efficient process and create a vastly superior customer experience.
Blue Raven Solar has the process steps perfected, with fully in-house departments that prioritize clear communication with one another. One of the sub-values of our main three company values is “Close the Loop,” meaning whenever a request is completed, the entire team involved is notified so nothing slips through any cracks and each team can continue moving through the process efficiently. This is a big part of the reason Blue Raven Solar can have homeowners installed quickly—each project is always moving through our pipeline and will never sit idle.