If you have ever talked to a solar company or met a solar sales representative, you have probably heard about solar energy, the potential savings, and at the end of it all, the phrase:
“Now is the best time to go solar!”
This simple phrase can draw initial curiosity from homeowners, but often solar companies and their sales representatives fail to back up their bold claim. We talk about savings you will want to take advantage of sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, this phrase has become cliché, and because of its overuse and lack of facts to back it up, homeowners may miss out on an opportunity to understand the benefits of installing solar at the right time. You might wonder if there is or was even any real truth to the statement and where it came from, or maybe you are curious why solar consultants are so adamant about it.
Here at Blue Raven Solar, we want to help homeowners understand the benefits of owning a solar system. We will explain why late winter and early spring is the best time to go solar and how you can take advantage of the savings!