Blue Raven Solar’s Response to COVID-19

Our employees’ and customers’ health are our utmost priority.

Our hearts go out to everybody who has been impacted by COVID-19. Blue Raven Solar is a leading provider of residential photovoltaic distributed energy. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have taken active measures for protecting our workers and those we interact with by encouraging employees who don’t feel well to work from home, restricting unnecessary travel, and adopting new controls, practices, and protective equipment for our employees.


According to the US Department of Homeland Security’s guidance on the essential critical infrastructure workforce, Blue Raven Solar qualifies as an essential business. Blue Raven Solar has adopted the practices described below to protect our employees, customers, and the general public. Together, we will “flatten the curve” and emerge from this health crisis stronger and more connected, preserving critical infrastructure while protecting health.

Blue Raven Solar Employees:

  • Employees who feel sick or who have been in contact with somebody who has tested positive for COVID-19, or with somebody who has experienced flu-like symptoms, should not come to work
  • All employees who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 are asked to work from home
  • Employees who have concerns or questions about reporting to work are encouraged to reach out to their manager for support
  • Employees have been instructed to practice social distancing techniques to the greatest extent possible, including:
    • Washing hands regularly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds
    • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth, especially with unwashed hands
    • Covering coughs or sneezes into your elbow
    • Using hand sanitizer when possible
    • Maintaining a 6’ barrier from others at all times
    • No shaking hands
    • Keeping in-person interactions as brief as possible. If you experience respiratory symptoms like a cough or fever, stay home and report it to your manager

Corporate Headquarters:

  • To secure our office, we only allow key card security access
  • We are continuing to receive deliveries, but limiting our interactions with delivery drivers
  • We have increased office cleaning and sanitizing and provided cleaning solutions for office personnel

Solar Consultations:

  • Upon request, solar consultations can be done virtually via video conferencing technology

Site Surveys:

  • To the furthest extent possible, when on-site, we are maintaining a minimum 6’ distance from homeowners and fellow employees
  • When needed, we are allowing customers to capture needed information inside the home
  • Our Site Survey personnel are outfitted with personal protective equipment

Permitting / Installation Coordination / Inspections:

  • Permitting work is continuing via regular mail, e-mail and online submission, and we are coordinating with local Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) to ensure that permits will continue to be issued
  • We have requested that AHJs consider virtual audits
  • Scheduling, installations, and inspections are continuing, and when on-site, we are maintaining a minimum 6’ distance from homeowners and fellow employees


  • Homeowner contact at installations is limited to the greatest extent possible
  • In instances when we need to enter a house, installers are wearing face masks and maintaining a minimum 6’ distance from the homeowner
  • Crews are outfitted with safety equipment and cleaning supplies and instructed to follow strict cleanliness and social distance guidelines


  • We are continuing to provide service for customers whose systems are not functioning properly. Now more than ever we want to ensure that our customers, many of whom are forced to work from home and may lack childcare, have reliable electricity

Blue Raven Solar is committed to helping keep the United States critical infrastructure safe and reliable during this unprecedented time and in the future.

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