Your State’s Solar Savings in 2021

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home solar

For many Americans, tax season can be one of the most dreaded times of the year, but if you’re the proud owner of a residential solar system installed in 2020, your feelings toward taxes may be a little more cheerful this year. Homeowners who went solar in 2020 qualify for a 26% federal solar tax credit, which means thousands of dollars in savings.


The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is one of the largest savings opportunities for residential homeowners going solar. Plus, homeowners in 2021 are in luck – The ITC was set to go down to 22% in 2021 and disappear in 2022, but it was extended to stay at 26% through 2021 and 2022. There will never be a better time to go solar than now!


Another solar savings game changer is net metering. Net metering allows solar panel owners to sell unused energy back to their utility’s companies, allowing them to build up credits which they can use to pay for their electricity during less sunny times of the year. For the most part, all solar buyers qualify for these incentives, but are there more ways you can save on solar?


Well, the answer depends a lot on where you live. Here at Blue Raven Solar, we know that deciding whether a solar system is right for your home usually involves a lot of number crunching and research. Finding each individual rebate or net metering policy for your specific state and city can cost you time and cause a lot of frustration (as many sources are outdated and inaccurate). That is why we have simplified your painstaking research by creating an easy to navigate solar savings post.


This will feature the latest savings updates on all 14 of the states in which we provide our services.


Click on the list to jump to your state!


The mile-high state is one of the best states to go solar! With solar rebates, tax exemptions, and a great net metering program, homeowners thinking about solar in Colorado will save big when they put solar on their roof. Let’s jump into all the potential savings:

Blue Raven Solar Logo Colorado

Net Metering – Colorado utilities companies have established effective net metering policies, allowing customers to save with any excess energy they produce. Xcel Energy offers the best net-metering program that allows you to use your excess production in two ways:


  1. Exchange your excess energy production for kilowatt-hour-based credits, which can be applied to future energy bills
  2. Receive a per-kWh cash payment


Through Colorado’s net metering policies, Colorado homeowners can get the most bang for their buck when installing solar. They can even make some money if they learn to make smart energy choices and cut their electricity usage.


Local Solar Rebates – Many Colorado utility companies and local organizations offer solar rebates that can save homeowners some big bucks. Here are two current examples:

Utility Company
Rebate Amount
Colorado Springs Utilities
$.10 per watt
San Miguel Power Association
$.25 per watt (max out at $750)
EnergySmart Colorado
$400-$3,000 rebate
Holy Cross Energy
$750 for first 6kw

Tax Exemptions – In Colorado, any renewable energy equipment is sales, use, and property tax-free. Thus, you will not have to pay any additional fees to the government even though you are adding value to your home.


Energy savings mortgage incentive for existing homes – Any new home buyers who put solar on their roof are eligible for a state program that will help you pay for your mortgage for 120 days. By adding energy efficiency upgrades and a renewable energy system, you could qualify for $750-$3,000 in savings.


Because of so many local benefits, solar in Illinois is a great option for homeowners. In fact, Illinois has a renewable portfolio standard that means that the state is committed to producing 25% of its electricity by renewable resources by the year 2025. To accomplish this goal, the state is offering incentives to help its citizens put solar on their roofs.

Blue Raven Solar Logo Illinois

Net Metering – In Illinois, your utility company is required under Illinois law to track your renewable energy production and give you credits for any excess energy that is produced. At the end of an annual period, these credits expire and revert to the utilities company without compensation. Thus, there is no need for a homeowner to purchase a system that produces much more energy than your household uses.


Solar Renewable Energy Credits – Because Illinois is committed to producing 25% of its electricity through renewable energy resources, it is offering a program called “Illinois Shines” that gives homeowners one solar renewable energy credit for every megawatt hour produced by your system. Homeowners can then sell these credits and generate income throughout the life of the entire system.


Property Tax Exemption – When residential solar buyers register their system with the chief county assessment officer, it will be re-valued as a conventional energy system (much cheaper) meaning property tax will be only slightly higher than before.

South Carolina

With beautiful beaches, lots of sun, and several solar incentives, solar in South Carolina is a great idea! When homeowners combine federal tax credits with state tax credits, they’ll be sure to save big on their solar system.

South Carolina Blue Raven Solar

Net Metering – Net metering is applicable to all South Carolina residents. Every residential solar owner is entitled to credits for excess energy production. Those credits will be applied to the homeowner’s next utility bill and if there are excess credits at the end of the year, homeowners receive compensation.


State Tax Credits – South Carolina is one of the few states to offer state tax credits for going solar. The tax credit covers 25% of the cost of your solar system and can be carried over for up to ten years if you don’t pay enough in taxes in any one year.


Nevada is known for its clear, hot, and sunny days, which is why residents considering solar in Nevada are great candidates for owning a solar system. Nevada citizens love solar so much that they voted to have 50% of their energy be produced by renewable resources by 2032. With so much love for solar panels, let’s see what other local incentives make switching to solar easy in the Silver State.

Blue Raven Solar Logo Nevada

Net Metering – Net metering policies have changed several times over the past 5 years, but currently all NV Energy customers are eligible to receive credits worth a percentage of retail electricity cost. As more solar panel owners join the program, the percentage will decrease. Currently, homeowners with NV Energy get 95% of the value of the electricity they sell back in credit form. They can then use these credits to pay off future energy bills during less productive months. Homeowners who are with Valley Electric Association get credited at the same rate you would pay the utility, making this net metering program more valuable than NV Energy’s program.


Solar Access Rights – All Nevada homeowners have the right to go solar, which means that no contract or legal document can prohibit a homeowner from owning solar panels and using them to generate power.


Solar Easement – Solar easement laws make it so that you can enter into an agreement with your neighbor, allowing you to have continued access to sunshine.


For homeowners considering solar in Indiana, there is no better time to make the switch than 2021. Many local incentives including net metering are quickly disappearing, meaning less savings the longer you wait.

Indiana Blue Raven Solar

Net Metering – In Indiana, all solar panel owners are eligible for net metering. As your system produces excess electricity, it will be sold back to your utility for energy credits. Indiana residents can use these credits to pay for future bills in which their system does not cover all of the costs. Unfortunately, homeowners who go solar after 2022 will not be enrolled in these programs.


Property Tax Exemption –By adding a solar system to your home, the overall value of your property increases. Fortunately, in Indiana, solar owners do not have to pay property tax on the increased value from buying solar panels.


Sales Tax Exemption – With sales tax at 7% in Indiana, solar buyers can save big by not having to pay any sales tax on their system.


Solar Easement Laws – Solar easement laws make it so that you can enter into an agreement with your neighbor, allowing you to have continued access to sunshine.


Known for the best snow on earth, the idea of solar in Utah might surprise some; however, many people forget that it is indeed a desert. With lots of sun throughout the year, many homeowners in Utah are hopping on the solar train and saving hundreds on their monthly electricity bills.

utah blue raven solar

Net Metering – Most Utahns use Rocky Mountain Power, who utilizes a net metering program that buys back any excess electricity for a slightly lower than retail rate in exchange for credits to use during less sunny months. Other utilities offer similar net metering rates.


State Tax Credit – Utah is one of the few states that offers a solar tax credit. Utah’s particular credit allows solar buyers to be eligible for a credit that is worth 25% of the purchase and installation costs of their system. The credit maxes out at $1,200.  Unfortunately, this cap is decreasing by $400 dollars a year and will completely expire in 2023.


Solar Easement – Solar easement laws make it so that you can enter into an agreement with your neighbor, allowing you to have continued access to sunshine.


Solar in Ohio might be surprising to some as it is likely not the first state you’d think of when it comes to sunshine and solar panels. Despite previous biases, Ohio does offer some of the best net metering incentives in the nation!

Ohio Blue Raven Solar

Net Metering – Net metering in Ohio makes solar a great investment for several reasons. Firstly, all utilities in Ohio must offer net metering to residential solar owners. Secondly, all net excess generation is carried over to the next month as energy credits. Lastly, if you have net excess generation (a surplus of credits) over the course of 12 months, Ohio is one of the only states that will send you a check in the mail to pay for those leftover credits.


Solar Renewable Energy Certificates – Because Ohio has committed to having 25% of its energy be produced by renewable energy sources by 2027, the state is offering energy certificates which are given out for each megawatt hour of electricity your panels produce.


Sales Tax Exemption – All Ohio residents are exempt from sales tax on their new solar system, meaning they won’t have to pay an extra 5.75% on their system.


Property Tax Exemption – Cleveland and Cincinnati are the only two cities in the state that let their citizens keep that added home value from solar panels off of their property tax.


As is one of the sunniest states in the US, Florida solar is a valuable asset for any homeowner. Let’s take a look at the local benefits that Florida offers:

Blue Raven Solar Logo Florida

Net Metering – Net metering in Florida allows its residents to carry over any excess energy generation as a credit (at full retail rate) to your next bill for up to 12 months. At the end of 12 months, the utility company will pay you for any remaining excess energy.


Local Rebates – In all of Florida, only the city of Longwood offers a local rebate. It is 10% of the cost of the system and maxes out at $500.


Tax Exemptions – All Floridians who put solar on their roof are exempt from sales tax as well as an increase in property tax from added home value.

North Carolina

North Carolina is a great place to consider residential solar. Let’s see what incentives drive homeowners in the Tar Heel State to go solar:

Blue Raven Solar Logo North Carolina

Net Metering – The three largest electric utilities in North Carolina are required to provide full retail rate net metering to their customers. This means that homeowners with solar can sell back their excess electricity at full value to generate credits for future month’s utility bills. All unused credits get transferred to these utility companies without compensation at the beginning of each summer.


Solar Rebate – Duke Energy offers homeowners $0.60/watt for systems up to 10 kilowatts, meaning that solar customers can save up to $6,000. This rebate is one of the best in the nation and has influenced many homeowners to make the switch to solar.


Building Permit Rebate – Solar system owners in the city of Asheville are eligible for a rebate on the cost of the building permit when installing solar.


Property Tax Exemption – By putting solar on a roof, the value of a home increases immediately. Unfortunately, this means that homeowners will experience an increase in property tax. Luckily, North Carolina allows 80% of this increase in home value to be exempt from property tax.


Virginia recently made history by becoming the first state to target 100% clean power. With a goal to have the entire state running on renewable energy, Virginia homeowners are serious about going solar!

Virginia Blue Raven Solar

Net Metering – Virginia is determined to benefit its solar owners through net metering. With statewide net metering laws, Virginia homeowners with solar can sell their excess electricity back to their utility company for monthly credits. These credits can be applied to your next month’s bill or roll over to future months. To make things even better, Virginians can sell the excess electricity back at the end of a 12-month period.


Property Tax Exemption – Because of legislation passed in 1977, residential solar panels in Virginia are exempt from property tax. This means that any extra value added to your home because of your solar array will not be added to your property tax. However, municipalities have the ability to control this legislation so each Virginian must see whether property tax applies to their new system beforehand.


With such cheap electricity rates in Idaho, going solar might seem like a long-term investment. But the truth of the matter is that electricity prices are steadily rising and solar is a great investment for all Idaho residents. Let’s see Idaho’s local solar benefits:

Blue Raven Solar Logo Idaho

Net Metering – All three utility companies in Idaho offer similar net metering policies. Net metering functions like this: any excess energy production will be applied as a credit to the next month’s bill. Avista esn’t offer a 12-month roll-over pay out.


State Tax Deduction – Residential homeowners are able to deduct 40% of the cost of your solar panel equipment and installation from your personal income taxes. For the next 3 years, Idahoans may apply 20% of the cost of their system to their income tax. This has a maximum deduction of $5,000 a year or $20,000 total.


Solar Easement Laws – Solar easement laws make it so that you can enter into an agreement with your neighbor that allows you to have continued access to sunshine.


Oregonians love their nature, so it’s no surprise that the state is a huge supporter of solar energy. In fact, they love solar so much that they want 50% of energy production to be through renewable energy resources by 2040. With that said, let’s see the local solar benefits Oregon is offering to their citizens.

Oregon Blue Raven Solar

Net Metering – Oregon is a great state to be a solar owner because all utilities must offer net metering. This means that all excess energy production will carry over to your next month’s bill. Unfortunately, Oregon’s net metering program does not roll over more than one month.


Solar Rebates – Starting in January of 2020, Oregon began a new solar rebates program that offers new residential solar buyers $0.20 per watt on their system. There is a catch on how much this rebate can save you as it has a maximum payout of $5,000 or 40% of the cost of your system.


Property Tax Exemption – All solar panels in Oregon are exempt from property tax. This means that the extra value added to your home from your solar system will not be added to your property tax.


Texas is one of the sunniest states in the nation. With so much sun, solar can help Texans save big on utility bills. But what local incentives do they offer?

Texas Blue Raven Solar

Net Metering – Without a statewide law enforcing net metering, many homeowners miss out on programs that help save during less sunny months. Most of Texas’ larger utilities will buy excess production from solar panels at near retail rates.


Property Tax Exemption – All solar panels in Texas are exempt from property tax. This means that any extra value added to your home because of your solar array will not be added to your property tax.


Solar Rebates – Solar rebates in Texas are highly dependent upon where you live. Here are some solar rebates in Texas:

Utility Company
Rebate Amount
AEP Texas Central Company
$.50 per watt (max out at $5,000)
Austin Energy
$2,500 for system greater than 3 kilowatts
AEP Texas North Company
$.50 per watt (max out at $5,000)
City of Sunset Valley
$1.00 per watt (max out at $3,000)
Oncor Electric Delivery
$.53 per watt + $.25 per kw hour in first year


Solar power is so popular in Georgia partly because the weather is pretty much ideal for solar power, and because it helps Georgians save money and reduce their carbon footprint, keeping the Georgia air clear and the state beautiful.

Blue Raven Solar in Georgia

Net Metering – Georgia Power and other utility companies in the Peach State will measure the amount of excess solar electricity your solar panels produce and put on the grid, and pay you a rate determined by Georgia’s Public Service Commission. Georgia utilities have great net metering programs and can save homeowners with solar hundreds of extra dollars.


Although Washington is cloudy and rainy, its residents care about the environment and many decide to go solar. Here are the solar incentives for homeowners in WA.

Blue Raven Solar in Washington

Net Metering – Washington’s Net Metering program allows solar homeowners to receive compensation for left over energy credits after 12 months. Per state law, net metering reserve credit expires on March 31 of each year. This means that after then, any leftover credits will be given back to the utility company without any payment. With this law, it is important for new residential solar buyers to install the right sized system on their home.


Solar Rebates – Snohomish County is the only area within Washington that offers a solar rebate. Residents of Snohomish County who go solar, are eligible to receive $300 per kilowatt installed with a maximum cash out of $2,000.


Sales Tax Exemption – Sales tax is relatively high in Washington at 9%. So, when Washington announced last year that there would be a 100% solar sales tax exemption, homeowners were once again excited by solar and ready to take advantage of a significant discount on all equipment, labor, and services related to their solar installation.

Is Solar Right for My State?


As you can see, each state offers a wide variety of benefits for all homeowners considering owning a solar system. As solar becomes more popular, these incentives will likely disappear. Thus, there is no better time to go solar than the year 2021. If you still have your doubts, don’t hesitate to get a free online estimate with Blue Raven Solar. It is our mission to help homeowners across the nation determine whether solar is a smart investment for your unique home and situation. By clicking on the link below, you will be able to fill out a form with your name, email, phone number, and zip code. Once submitted, one of our solar specialists will reach out to you for a free solar consultation and help you determine whether solar is right for you and your home.

In the coming years, Americans across the nation will become a part of the renewable energy movement. We’re excited to help you throughout your solar journey and hope to help you make a positive impact on the environment while saving you thousands on your electricity bill!


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