Terms and Conditions


Overview: The Blue Raven Solar August 2022 Promotion (the “Promotion”) is offered by Blue Raven Solar, LLC (“Blue Raven Solar”) and provides the opportunity for Blue Raven Solar customers to refer family members, friends, and neighbors to Blue Raven Solar and receive an increased amount of money, based on Blue Raven Solar’s current referral tier system. Each customer who refers someone in the month of August 2022 (“August”) will receive $1,000 for their first referral including an additional $500 to their referee, and $1,000 for second, and $1,500 for the third and every additional referral.


Details: Any Eligible Referrer who refers an Eligible New Customer in the month of August will receive a cash reward, equal to one tier above the normal qualified amount (first referral: $1,000 and $500 to the referee, second referral: $1,000, third referral and each additional: $1,500). The Promotion does not include any cash amounts exceeding $1,500; i.e., Eligible Referrers who have already referred two or three installed Eligible New Customers will receive the max promotion amount of $1,500 each. The Eligible Referrer must submit his or her Eligible New Customer’s name and phone number in the month of August to qualify. Submission details are found below in the “How to Submit Your Referral for the Promotion” section.


As Blue Raven Solar’s normal bonus program, the Eligible New Customer must purchase a Blue Raven Solar system and complete the installation process for the Eligible Referrer to receive the cash reward. Once the Eligible New Customer is installed, the Eligible Referrer will be sent a check, equal to the qualified promotional amount.


Definition of an Eligible Referrer: To qualify as an “Eligible Referrer,” you must: (1) be a Blue Raven Solar customer owning a photovoltaic solar system, sold and/or installed by Blue Raven Solar; (2) be in good standing at the time of the referral; and (3) refer your Eligible New Customer during the month of August. The Eligible Referrer cannot resell Blue Raven Solar products/services and doing so may result in immediate disqualification. Employees, agents, and independent contractors of Blue Raven Solar are prohibited from referring their prospective Blue Raven Solar customers and are ineligible to receive or share in the cash reward.


Definition of an Eligible New Customer: An “Eligible New Customer” means an individual that: (1) is not currently, and has never been, a Blue Raven Solar customer; (2) is not already registered or otherwise known as a Blue Raven Solar lead or contact; and (3) purchases, installs and pays for a New Solar System. The Eligible New Customer’s account must be created in the month of August by a Blue Raven Solar Sales Representative, meaning the Eligible Referrer correctly submitted his or her Eligible New Customer’s information in the month of August. See below for instructions.


How to Register for the Promotion:

Registration for the Promotion can be made directly with Blue Raven Solar by: (1) submitting your referral’s information and your information via the form at (the “Refer A Friend Website”); (2) emailing your referral’s name and phone number to; (3) calling (385) 292-1234; or (4) submitting referral information directly to a Blue Raven Solar Sales Representative. Eligible Referrers must provide the Eligible New Customer’s name and phone number in the chosen referral submission process. Regardless of how the referral was submitted, should an Eligible New Customer be referred by more than one Eligible Referrer, only the first referral received by Blue Raven Solar shall be entitled to the Reward. Referrals are considered active for two years. 


Winner Publicity Requirements: Acceptance of the prize shall constitute the Winner’s agreement and consent for Blue Raven Solar and its designees to use winner’s name, likeness, photo, avatar, and/or prize information (including, without limitation, city and state of residence) in connection with this Competition for promotional, advertising or other purposes, in any manner, worldwide, in any and all media, whether now known or hereafter devised, including the Internet, without limitation and without further payment, notification, permission or other consideration.


Force Majeure: If, for any reason, the Promotion (or any part thereof) is not capable of running as planned by reason of computer virus, bug, system malfunction, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, fire, flood, earthquake, storm or other natural cataclysm, riot, strike, terrorist activity, civil commotion, governmental regulation, or any other causes beyond the control of Blue Raven Solar which, in its sole opinion, corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Promotion (or any part thereof), Blue Raven Solar reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion, or to thereafter conduct the Promotion by selecting the prize winner(s) for affected Promotion drawing from among all eligible entries received for such affected Promotion drawing prior to the action taken by Sponsor or otherwise in a manner which is fair, equitable and in accordance with these Official Rules, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion.


Release and Indemnity: By participating, entrants hereby releases Blue Raven Solar, and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Released Parties, and the other persons and entities involved in the development, production, and/or administration of the Competition, harmless, from any and all liability for losses, harm, damage, injury, costs, fees, and expenses, including without limitation, property damage, personal injury (including emotional distress), and/or death, arising from participating in the Promotion, any Promotion-related activity, and/or acceptance, receipt, possession or use/misuse of any prize, and for any claims or causes of action based on publicity rights, defamation, or invasion of privacy and merchandise delivery.


Participation: By participating in the Promotion, you agree that you have read and understand these rules and have not committed any fraud or deception in entering the Promotion. Blue Raven Solar reserves the right to disqualify any referrer that Blue Raven Solar determines has violated any of these Rules. Blue Raven Solar also reserves the right to modify, suspend, or cancel the Promotion at any time by posting the change on the Referral Website.


Disputes: Except where prohibited by law, entrant agrees that: (a) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with the Promotion, or any prize awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (b) all claims must be resolved in the state or federal courts located in the State of Utah; (c) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Promotion, but in no event including attorneys’ fees; and (d) unless otherwise prohibited, under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to, any indirect, punitive, incidental, and consequential damages, or damages of any kind (other than actual out of pocket expenses), and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these terms and conditions, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Blue Raven Solar in connection with the Competition, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Utah, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the state of Utah or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the state of Utah.


*These terms and conditions supersede the regular Refer a Friend terms and conditions through August 1-August 31, 2022.

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